
Deadong University Introduce

대동대학교 건물 외관


  1. 01 02
    • Signed an agreement to operate a joint liberal arts curriculum with six colleges in the Busan area


  1. 07 08
    • Daedong College-Tongmyong University, singed business agreement
  2. 02 28
    • Daedong College-Youngsan University Bakery&Beverage Major, signed to agreement operate Joint Education Course
  3. 02 26
    • Daedong College-Youngsan University Department of Beauty Arts, signed to agreement operate Joint Education Course
  4. 02 24
    • Daedong College-Youngsan University Western Culinary Arts Major, signed to agreement operate Joint Education Course
    • Daedong College-Youngsan University Oriental Cuisine Major, signed to agreement operate Joint Education Course
    • Daedong College-Youngsan University K-Food Culinary Arts Major, signed to agreement operate Joint Education Course


  1. 05 15
    • Agreement MOU with Burton and South Derbyshire College, UK


  1. 03 31
    • Agreement International exchange with University Of Hawaii, USA


  1. 11 05
    • Agreement Joint Credit course with BLOOMFIELD COLLEGE, USA
  2. 08 16
    • Agreement Joint Credit course with Michigan State University, USA
  3. 06 14
    • Agreement Joint Credit course with Osaka University of Tourism, Japan


  1. 10 07
    • Agreement Credit transfer with University of Jamestown,USA
  2. 08 01
    • Agreement language training with Osaka University, Japan
  3. 07 02
    • Agreement language training with Massey University and Unitec Institue of Technology, New Zealand


  1. 06 04
    • Agreement language training with Angeles University, Philippines
  2. 04 17
    • Agreement Singapore Parkway college joint credit course


  1. 08 26
    • Cooperation agreement with Tianjin International Film School, China


  1. 01 30
    • Cooperation agreement with Shanghai Normal University, China